Wednesday, February 18, 2015


Took the mast off of Cambria today.

I've decided against hauling a TV antenna aloft.  Too many other needed things.

The mast came off a few hours ago.  No drama as it came off and all in all it's in good shape.   Excellent shape, in fact, for her age.  Nonetheless there are things to do.

1.  New VHF Antenna and coax
2.  New mast head tri color LED / anchor light
3.  Replace the steaming light and deck light
4.  New wind meter.

The antenna and wind meter just need replacing.  The wiring is old and cracking and while I'll get the same functionality, they'll both be new.

The tri color is an enhancement and will be a better option when sailing and anchoring.  It'll be LED with a very low power draw.  I'll need to rewire to the switches as well, so I'll have a 'steaming' mode and a 'sailing' mode.

Now I need to get more estimates....

Corrosion at the base of the compression post

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